Job Search


Search Strategy – The Landscape Has Changed For Job Seekers

{Click here to read the original article on LinkedIn.}

The process of job search has changed from the old days of searching the job listings in the classified section of the newspaper. Technology and the internet have changed every aspect of our lives of course, but other factors have impacted the way employers hire people. Job seekers must execute a diversified strategy and employ a variety of activities to leverage as many career options as possible.

Employers have become more sophisticated in ways that impact job seekers significantly. Job applications must be analyzed and dissected prior to resume customization. Many employers prefer to bring in professional and technology staff as contractors before hiring them ‘permanently’. The recruiting industry provides targeted outsourcing, consulting services and permanent placement opportunities in ‘niche’ markets that were unknown 15 years ago. Read more


How I Landed 15 Job Interviews in 30 Minutes

{Click here to read the original article on}

At 20, I was gaining valuable experience and building my portfolio, which was going well until my father said “No more unpaid internships.”

In other words, I needed a job – and fast. Read more


Job Search Myths Debunked

{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}

I have been involved in the Career Services field in various capacities for the past 3 decades and I can tell you that there are a great many myths out there that are just that – myths – an idea that is believed by many people but that is not true. Read more


Want to Improve Your Job Search? Step Away from Your Computer!

{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}

Your PC and the internet are clearly valuable and critical tools in an effective job search in today's market.

The vast majority of job seekers, however, spend far too much time in front of their computer and not nearly enough time in front of people that can have a much greater impact on their job search than anything they find online. Read more


Defining Your Value Proposition?

{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}

A newly coined term that has become ubiquitous over the past decade in the Job Search sphere is Value Proposition. You’ll read and hear about it in association with networking, writing a resume and conducting an interview. The first step in defining your Value Proposition is also where many go wrong; they fail to understand that value, just like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. Read more


I’ve Got a Contact Name! NOW WHAT?!?

{Click here to read the original article on The Wise Job Search.}

So, you were…

Networking, or Searching on LinkedIn, or Running a Google Search, or some other way you got a contact name at a company that you are interested in pursuing!

Terrific! But NOW WHAT? What do you do with that name? Read more


Never Give Up Your Job Search!

{Click here to read the original article on Careerocketeer.}

Quite a while ago, I wrote a piece titled…

I can’t get a job because…

In it, I made the case that people aren’t truly affected in their job search by various forms of discrimination as commonly as they may think they are. Read more


I’ve Been Successful… Why Can’t I Land a Job?

{Click here to read the original article on The Wise Job Search.}

People that have been highly successful in their careers often have a difficult time landing a new position. They’ve achieved great things, they’ve been elevated to roles of great responsibility, everyone that knows them assumes they will be snatched up quickly, yet months go by and still no offers seem to be materializing. Read more


Employers Care About More Than Competence

{Click here to read the original article on The Wise Job Search.}

There have been multiple articles written in recent years about how younger job seekers too often act very poorly in the networking, interviewing, and hiring process.

There are ample stories of…

  • Taking phone calls during an interview
  • Speaking far too casually with the interviewer
  • Texting during a meeting
  • Read more


25 Things You Can Do For Your Job Search Today!

{Click here to read the original article on Careerocketeer.}

One of the challenges that keeps many job seekers from accomplishing much for their job search from day to day is that they don’t know what to do next!

They may have a networking meeting, interview, or a few calls planned for the day, however, when that’s done, they are often at a loss as to what they could do next. Read more