First Job


Why a Great Resume is Your First Step to a Successful Job Interview

{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}

Job search in the new millennium is different and difficult for many job seekers, especially Men & Women of A Certain Age, professionals who are used to being recruited, people at all levels in all professions who have not been involved in a job search or updated and modernized their résumé for at least the past 3-5 years, and especially for those who are still social media challenged.

Whereas it is true employers do not hire a résumé, the vast majority of job seekers are totally unaware of the behind-the-scenes influence a professional or amateur looking résumé has on candidate selection and the subliminal impact it has in an interview. Read more


How I Landed 15 Job Interviews in 30 Minutes

{Click here to read the original article on}

At 20, I was gaining valuable experience and building my portfolio, which was going well until my father said “No more unpaid internships.”

In other words, I needed a job – and fast. Read more


DIY Resume Writing Advice

{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}

The following is some insider insights on how to create a solid DIY résumé. That is, if you’re brave enough to undertake the task on your own, knowing full well the consequences if in the end your résumé turns out to be a faux 2 carat Cubic Zirconia instead of the brilliant 2 carat diamond you hoped it would be. Read more


3 Ways to Make Your Résumé More Recruiter-Friendly

{Click here to read the original article on The Muse.}

When you’re writing your résumé or working on your LinkedIn profile, we bet you’ve wished you could get into hiring managers’ heads. What are they really looking for? How can you make your resume catch their eyes? Read more


Employers Care About More Than Competence

{Click here to read the original article on The Wise Job Search.}

There have been multiple articles written in recent years about how younger job seekers too often act very poorly in the networking, interviewing, and hiring process.

There are ample stories of…

  • Taking phone calls during an interview
  • Speaking far too casually with the interviewer
  • Texting during a meeting
  • Read more


6 Tips for Common Resume Problems

{Click here to read the original article on Real Simple.}

When job hunting, your résumé has a way of highlighting little career imperfections in black and white.

Maybe you’ve job-hopped, had a long gap between gigs, or earned a degree that requires explaining (hello, art history majors!).

Is there a way to smooth over these résumé imperfections—without being dishonest? You betcha. Read more